Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Welcome to EatingOutKnoxville!

Welcome one and all to EatingOutKnoxville, a blog dedicated to uncovering hidden gems of culinary delight in the Knoxville, Tenn., metropolitan area. It has become an interest of mine to find little known eateries of merit and inform the masses of the tasty treats available in our town. So fasten your taste buds and hold on for a tour of Knoxville's finest dining destinations.

My qualifications to recommend restaurants to you are based on passion and experience. I can acknowledge that my tastes are as unique as any and what appeals to me may not appeal to you. My passion for food is perpetually developing and I enjoy uncovering restaurants, which may celebrate hordes of customers, but may not garner much awareness of the general public. My tastes stem from my heritage. Southern born and raised, my entire life has been spent in the mountains, hills and valleys of East Tennessee. Southern influence invades my own kitchen and seeps into every dish I produce. The hearty palette most Southerners share is the basis for my taste but I enjoy the many different options available for my digestion.

Please feel free to compare, contrast or be critical of the descriptions of my exploits. I am equally passionate about self-improvement and betterment so I welcome a hearty discussion of ideas. If I miss a locale you love, please recommend it so I can enjoy it, too. So I welcome you to my blog; may you find useful and relevant information about where to dine in our fine city of Knoxville, Tenn.



  1. I am SO exciting about this! I love good under that radar food almost as much as I love the way you look ;)! Can't wait to see what you have to offer

  2. Yaaaaay, this is exciting!

  3. Cool, be sure and visit Sam and Andy's down in Farragut and the Lunch House in Burlington; they're both terrific.

  4. Looking forward to your next post. Next time you are home you will need to whip up some of your southern style cooking! Good blog.

  5. have you tried Nancy's Kitchen located just outside Knoxville.

  6. So are we going to get one on burgers?

  7. You will absolutely have a discussion on burgers. You can be involved in the research if you are interested.

  8. I like research... MMMM Bacon Cheesy Research.

  9. How much has this project cost and how much weight have you gained.
